Lions & Tigers and… Snow Days.

Screen Shot 2015-02-09 at 7.09.43 PMSo the snow has been in abundance as of late, and despite reminiscing longingly about our warm days in Florida, we’ve been managing to make the best of it.

In the city, I’ve definitely found plenty of go-to indoor activities for us.  Last week, we ventured out to the Museum of Natural History which was a wonder-filled day for Miss A. And, seeing it again through her eyes reminded me how amazing it all is, and perhaps a bit frightening (her first encounter with the bears lead to more than a few “yes, I’m sure they’re not alive!” reassurances).

Aside from all the lions, and tiger and bears, the museum also offers a weekly story hour.

discovery-room-overview_imagelargeOn Monday mornings, children 2 ½ to 5 years of age are invited to join for a story hour. Space is limited and tickets are distributed at the Discovery Room on a first come, first served basis for sessions at 10:15 and 11:15.