Throwback Thursday: Welcome To Mommyhood: MONTH 1

It’s Thursday and I’m throwing it back to a video I did when Aria was one month old. It was my first go at mommyhood, and I decided after a full 30 days of it, I was ready to dispense advice (ha!) Actually, it’s mainly my experience as a new mom, and now having done it a second time around, now I’m including a few tips below. Take a look at how little my sweet Aria was (and see how much she and Bray look alike as babies!)

Some of my top advice:

1) Be prepared to be sleep deprived. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but necessary. This was by far the toughest part for me, but know it won’t last forever. Sleep training typically starts around 4 months old,  although some pediatricians like Tribeca Pediatrics will start some babies as early as 2 months.

2) Get support – whether baby’s daddy or grandma or a good friend, have someone take care of baby so you can get some rest.

NYC LIVING: Check out MUST HAVE product picks for baby HERE!

3) Take it Easy – Don’t overdue it as a new mom. Remember your body is still healing and you don’t want to do too much physically. Most doctors won’t clear you for exercise until week 6, but even then listen to your body!

4) Remember it will get easier- the first few weeks are tough, but, trust me, it will get easier.

5) Take Care of YOURSELF too. I remember a nurse in the hospital telling me if I needed to let Aria cry for 5 minutes so I could take a quick shower, that’s OK.  Part of being a good parent is making sure we are mentally and physically healthy. Don’t feel guilty if you need to prioritize yourself once in a while.

Good Luck! See you in month 2!





Yoga & Pregnancy: What NOT to do (video!)

I made this video months back after being in yoga classes (regular group mind you, NOT prenatal), and being dismayed that some instructors are not giving the pregnant ladies special attention (or modifications!).  I wasn’t particularly worried for myself,  as I was aware of what NOT to do, but a few times I had another preggo in the class and was definitely concerned for them. One time in particular, I wanted to walk over and say “Please, stop doing that!,” to a mom-to-be who was taking class as if she wasn’t carrying a 7+ month fetus.

Problem viewing video? Click here to view on Youtube! 

Bottom line is, yoga is great during pregnancy, but in a standard group class, we typically can’t not rely on the instructor to guide us through the whole time. Many of them don’t even know enough about pre-natal yoga to offer great modifications as the standard RYT (registered yoga teacher) does a brief study on it, but not nearly enough (which is why pre-natal teachers have separate trainings.)

That being said, mamas-to-be, please arm yourself with knowledge before jumping in a regular group class. Or, better yet, take a few prenatal classes to get going on the right track. Regardless, here are some clear NO, NOs from me to you. Ultimately, remember to listen to your body, and don’t push it (no, matter what anyone says). Take care of yourself and baby!

Disclaimer: Always talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program. 

Month 1 With Baby: What To Expect & 3 Tips To Get Through

So, as mentioned earlier in this blog, I did a bunch of videos during Aria’s first year of life. Here is one to kick things off.

Our first month was a bit trying. A baby is a big adjustment for everyone, and if your baby is fussy or has colic it can be even tougher.

In this video, Aria and I give my top 3 tips for new mom on how to survive Month One.

Some of my favorite pics from Month 1: 

Birth Day

Birth Day

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Swaddled and sleeping!

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Lots of walks along the lake in the bjorn (another thing that helped calm her).

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A funny face taken on the high line!

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First big day out! Marathon Sunday at 3 weeks old!

A Look Back: Rosie Pope Gives Me the Low Down On Being Pregnant (not in heels btw)

So, despite starting late, I think we should start at the very beginning. Early on in my pregnancy I sat down with Rosie Pope to discuss mommyhood, pregnancy and a bunch of other good stuff for HealthyStyle. I was wearing out my skinny jeans hard (while I could) and she gave me some good advice and a few laughs.

As an aside, Rosie is super nice and down to earth and ironically (totally unrelated to this video) a Pregnant In Heels casting agent called me a couple weeks before I was due asking if I had interest in being on the show. Our second house (bought with baby in mind) was in total disarray and it would have been a perfect opportunity for Rosie and her crew to sweep in! They weren’t shooting for another month or two so we missed that boat.  Again, timing…not my strong point.

Enjoy this vid & thanks for tuning in…
