City Eats: Le Pain Quotidien

Aria ana photo

So, the other day I met my fabulous friend Ana for lunch at one of my-go spots in the WV (top photo courtesy of her– she just has this way of capturing the best pics!)  My lunch and coffee dates have not ended now that baby is in tow, but they definitely require a bit more thinking.  Suddenly I gravitate towards the “baby friendly” spots that I know will have room for the stroller, high chairs, etc, but still have good food and  some degree of atmosphere.

On of my favorite lunch w/baby spots here in the West Village is Le Pain Quotidien on Hudson. The Belgium bakery chain has a wholesome menu of good salads (my fav is the quinoa salad), tartines, organic options  and breakfast items . They also have a kid’s menu with great healthy options including hummus, turkey, guacamole, etc. Aria is a fan.

le pain quotidienLe Pain quotidien bakery west village kidsle pain

The thing I like best about this spot is that it indeed is very baby friendly. There is a ramp to access (steps and double doors are my biggest stroller annoyance here in the city), plenty of room to park the stroller table side, high chairs, crayons and a usually cooperative & friendly staff (no noses in the air when mom friends and I truck in with 3 little ones — although I waitressed in my younger days so there is no way I am leaving behind a mess). As an added bonus they also have a very large & clean private bathroom with a changing table (suddenly, and somewhat sadly, now a very important detail in my dining life). Oh, and in summer they also have nice sidewalk tables outside. Très bon indeed.

I’d love to know your favorite spot in the city. Please share!

le pain quotidien west villagestaticmap

A Look Back: Rosie Pope Gives Me the Low Down On Being Pregnant (not in heels btw)

So, despite starting late, I think we should start at the very beginning. Early on in my pregnancy I sat down with Rosie Pope to discuss mommyhood, pregnancy and a bunch of other good stuff for HealthyStyle. I was wearing out my skinny jeans hard (while I could) and she gave me some good advice and a few laughs.

As an aside, Rosie is super nice and down to earth and ironically (totally unrelated to this video) a Pregnant In Heels casting agent called me a couple weeks before I was due asking if I had interest in being on the show. Our second house (bought with baby in mind) was in total disarray and it would have been a perfect opportunity for Rosie and her crew to sweep in! They weren’t shooting for another month or two so we missed that boat.  Again, timing…not my strong point.

Enjoy this vid & thanks for tuning in…
